Friday, 11 October 2013

I never really left, but I'm back now...

Hello everybody!

Apologies for my rather sporadic attendance on this blog throughout September. I've been working very hard, as I know we all must these days, but I return with good news. Not exciting news - not yet anyway! - but definitely good news. 

As I have stated before I've been working on a number of different stories over the last few months and recently I've made some really good progress. I hope to get a couple of shorts submitted to publishers during October, and I'm looking forward to finishing some of my longer stories before Christmas. I'm at the wrapping up and polishing stage on those now which is always a nice feeling. Also, October promises to bring an exciting new project - more on that later - which I can't wait to sink my teeth into. 

Also, also, I will be reopening my blog to some more lovely guest bloggers in the coming weeks so stay tuned for more updates from your favourite M/M authors, as well as from yours truly. 

Have a great weekend everyone, and stay tuned for exciting things to come. 
